Looking at Lakes

I really like these little lakes at the top end of many valleys around here. They are typical corries or cirques, formed by glaciers long ago. 

Today’s hike started at the Muottas Muragl funicular and went up to a mountain pass towards the next valley, called Fuorcla Val Champagna. I found a sheltered spot for my lunch break and scanned the surrounding mountains for ibex again, but they remain elusive. I still loved sitting up there, just surrounded by nature. There were no sounds except for the wind, birds (mostly wheatears) and bees. 

My knees advised me against walking down the Champagna valley to the next village (a 1000+ m drop in elevation), so I only hiked down to the little lake, and via another trail back to the funicular. 

There, I sat on the restaurant terrace for a while and looked down towards the big lakes of the Upper Engadine valley (see extra). 

It’s one of the most beautiful landscapes I know, and even though I will say goodbye to it tomorrow, I’ll surely come back one day.

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