Red Kite

Our first full day in Dumfries and Galloway. And it was quite hot (for me anyway)!

We stayed fairly local and walked to Stroan and Mossdale Lochs trying to keep in the shade and away from the flies..... The extra image is Stroan Loch.

We had a lovely meal out in Kirkcudbright this evening for our anniversary. 24 years together, and not quite 1 year married!

It was slightly spoiled by my other half being stopped by the police for the first time ever on our way back. Just a brake light out.....

We did see our first Red Kite but also visited a Red Kite feeding station in the afternoon. That was quite an amazing site. They're so quiet and graceful as they swoop to grasp the meat. It also gave me some practice on photographing a moving subject. Something I've not done a great deal of. It's a controversial subject the feeding of these birds, as I suppose we should allow them to look for their own food. But we did hunt them to the extent that we've had to reintroduce them...... 

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