I'll Buy That For A Dollar!

On This Day In History
1987: RoboCop is released

Quote Of The Day
"It's back! Big is back! Because bigger is better. 6000SUX! An American tradition."
(TV commercial, RoboCop)

Oh boys, boys! Stop fighting! Join forces and recognise your common enemy; those dimwits on the Academy Awards selection committee. Fair enough, there were some good choices made in 1988 (Bernardo Bertolucci, The Last Emperor, Sean Connery, Michael Douglas) but still, one bloody Oscar to Stephen Hunter Flick for Special Achievement Academy Award (aka. the "We'd Better Make Up An Award Otherwise There Will Be Riots If One Of The Greatest Films In The History Of Cinema Doesn't Win One Single Poxy Oscar Award.") An utter disgrace.

Now, there was a beautiful moment when many of the Academy's wrongs could have been righted, but it was squandered. I'm talking, of course, about this magic moment at the 1988 Oscars Awards ceremony. Now what should have happened is Pee Wee, RoboCop and ED-209 should have called their buddy, the T-800, and held the audience to ransom until RoboCop was given every award going, Terminator was given a retrospective Oscar for best film, and Danny Elfman and Tim Burton were given Oscars for their work on Pee Wee's Big Adventure. Oh yes, and, "something with reclining leather seats that goes really fast and gets really shitty mileage!"

Question: What do RoboCop and Pee Wee’s Big Adventure have in common?


Oh yes; and cruise control. It must come with cruise control.

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