Powerful sting

JJ was stung by a bee when we were out yesterday and probably the same bee that stung one of our other helpers, twice.  I made a paste of a soluble aspirin, which seemed to do the trick, but it flared up during the night, so it's been ice-packed and had another pasting.

I was wide awake at 5 a.m. so opened a lot of windows and one of the conservatory doors (the other one squeaks very loudly), then went back to bed for another couple of hours, or three.

Before breakfast we watered the pots and I moved some behind the conservatory into the shade.  After breakfast I shut all the sun facing windows, pulled down the blinds and drew the curtains.  I left a couple of the north facing windows open for a while just to keep a bit of air movement but have shut them now and all the blinds are down.  It's amazing how much heat there is between the windows and the back of the blinds.  The house is reasonably cool, for now, but it's sure to heat up.

I've let the caterpillars go and they are probably happily munching their way through the nasturtiums.  I might let a few more eggs mature, possibly the small white butterfly, but will remove other eggs or we'll be overrun.

The wasps are flying in from goodness knows where, and taking water from the bird bath and I've posted this one for today's challenge of power.  

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