Washed up

Quite a warm one here today - for us anyway. 75 degrees in the shade and indoors too. We went downtown in the morning - I wanted to get some shading for the greenhouse as I'm not used to having glass in it! -  but none of our three garden centres had any. As we're going away tomorrow for a few days I'll have to take all the seedlings out and put them on the spare bed where they'll get light but no sun.

I'm intending to replace all the foxgloves on the bank with white ones, just to be different, and I was going to pull all the pink ones out when we come back at the weekend. Somehow I got started on it and have got most of the flowering ones out - I'll finish off after doing this Blip and having a cuppa. Just for fun I put the thermometer out in the sun - 100 degrees, no wonder I was feeling a touch washed up!

At one point Mrs M called out to say that Rosie was curled up in the old washing up bowl I use for potting and weeding. By pure luck the bag I'd been putting the weeds in was right beside her with the bird looking at her. I took a picture at a distance in case she moved. Then I thought her cosy bedroom needed some decoration, so that's my extra today!

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