Precious Cargo

I sensibly decide against reprising last week’s walk to Llanfairfechan this morning, so it’s been a day of early gardening, then retreating to the house to read and continue with my long- term task of sorting through my thousands of photographs to get them in some order. 

An evening walk is delayed by a surprise invitation to supper in a neighbour’s  garden - still hot, but wonderful to sit out on a balmy evening. 

And then, too late to walk far, we drive to Llandudno and around the Orme. I’m looking for a sunset, but the gathering clouds - yes, clouds - suggest my search will be in vain. Still, it’s glorious to be driving along, car roof open, still enjoying the  evening with the smells and sounds of nature intensified by this unusual warmth. 

There’s little colour in the sky as we are circling the Orme - then suddenly, there’s a sliver opening in the clouds from which a beam of orange red descends, spotlighting a cargo ship and turning the surrounding sea a shimmering gold.  Of course, it’s transitory; all too soon the clouds close and the show is over, leaving the ship to continue her journey through the night. Another of those serendipitous moments to treasure. 

There’s a wider view in extras. 

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