Oh Dear!

In a city like Winchester we have come to expect a high standard of street entertainment. We are home to the Hat Fair and it is Britain's longest running festival of street theatre and outdoor arts. The buskers' music range from jazz, through blues to opera.

Today we got a guy playing spoons (as in culinary implements) and this person. Try to imagine the worst Mick Jagger impersonator and you still have a long way to go. One lady was walking down the street laughing so much she had to sit down (on a bench I hasten to add). At some point the performance will be on Youtube - I saw half a dozen people recording the strutting on phones. Note to self learn how to do this, it might come in useful.

On the plus side there was no singing involved just miming to a backing track (can't remember what).

I did wonder if this was the result of a lost bet, but maybe it is preparation for the next series of Britain's Got Talent

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