How did they survive?

Tucked away on the patio, ejected after the plants finished flowering two, or was it three, years ago, these lovely calla lilies have begun to flower again.

Not so the other plants in pots. The sunflower, the hydrangea, they've both scorched. The hydrangea was planted in the ground but I seriously fear for its health.

I had intended to spend the pleasant weather this afternoon sitting outside to read, but small admin tasks intervened up until 7 pm. *sigh*

Oh yes, the weather was lovely today. Temperature in the low 20s C and a most refreshing breeze. The heat has moved east towards Germany and Poland. Instead of using Russian oil and gas to stay warm in winter, it will have been used to power air conditioning units. And nothing uses more energy than air conditioning units, unless it's Bitcoin and cryptocurrrency.

There's no real intent to tackle climate change.

Michael phoned from HomeServe to give me the quote for the new boiler, rather less than anticipated. So I shall say Yes.

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