Pink cosmos

It's been a busy day for our washing machine: we ended up putting in 7 loads over the course of the day. In between hanging out the clothes, towels and bed linen to dry on the line in the back garden, I engaged in a little 'I know I am on holiday, but this has to be done' work. This included a phone call with Bruce to discuss an issue about a qualitative data analysis software package that is notorious for crashing.

I also continued my return to running with the addition of an extra half mile to last week's initial route. The big news, however, is that we have booked a holiday in the far north that does not involve trains or ferries for the last week of August. We were going to hire a car for our transport, but the more sensible option turns out to be a van because (a) cars are much more expensive to hire; (b) there are only two of us; (c) this will give us lots of space for our bikes and other equipment.

I am sorry to report that Mr hazelh's toothache made a fresh appearance this afternoon...

My blip is of one of the pots of cosmos on the top steps of my yarden.

Exercise today: 1.5 mile run.

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