My Restless Lens

By terri365

1646 - Three Lochs Road - Again!

I had a terrible night's sleep so I was up early and out the door into the rain by 8am.  I decided to go for another jaunt up to the Dukes Pass and down the Three Lochs Forest Drive again.
I found some Cinnabar moth caterpillars.  Not just some - hundreds!  Couldn't get a great shot though as it was windy.  See extra.
My dad gave me a 50mm lens ages and ages and ages ago...  I have never used it but found t the other day so thought I would stick it in my bag.  I remember when I worked for a wind turbine company we had to take photos of the location of the turbines form certain positions and we had to use a 50mm lens as it was classed as the closest representation of what the human eye would see.  I think I might give it a go for a while...

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