Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


It all got a bit stressful last night wondering if Tommy and Inca would manage to get the last train from the airport to us in Klosters, as their plane was initially delayed for 30 minutes which increased to a 1 hour 15 minute delay. We realised they had missed the train to us, but possibly could get the last train to Landquart which is about a 30 minute drive from us and Gavin could go fetch them. From the moment the plane touched down at Zurich airport they had 20 minutes to get off the plane, get through passport control, collect their bags, and then get across the airport to the station - not likely to happen we thought, so we were googling cheap hotels at the airport for where they could stay...but by some miracle they made it! The train arrived in Landquart at 00:41 so it meant a late night for Gavin to go fetch them and drive back again, plus the tunnels were closed (for repairs?) so the route was longer through the small villages up the valley.

So not an early start this morning, which did not matter, as after the heat from yesterday we had some massive thunderstorms last night, lightning, and lashing rain, and it was still raining this morning. By mid morning the rain stopped and we set off for a walk, up to the village of Laret and past the pretty Schwarz See (Black Lake). There was a rope swing and taking his chances that it would hold his weight Luke (and also Meriel) had fun swinging across the water as seen here. In extras an image of the lake plus one of Xena, who went in to the water quite far as she is a non swimmer - but her fear/dislike/lack of interest/ in swimming was overtaken by her gundog instincts and there was a coot nearby....we knew the coot was safe as she would never go far into the lake.

After we got back we did a bit of grocery shopping for supper. Gavin had yet another work zoom call, it would be great if going on holiday meant no zoom meetings! He and Luke are now playing a very quick 9 holes of golf.

Tomorrow it's an early start to get the mini bus to the Fluela Pass to start the big hike to Joriseen. 

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