Hive of Activity

A brief visit to Risley Moss this afternoon. I think I was the only one I saw not accompanied by a dog.

A large rotten tree fell earlier in the year, and a big cavity has been occupied by honeybees. I always have a look when I visit and today there was a definite hum in the air, the bees were very active. There is a bee in the image which is larger than the others. I wonder if it’s a queen and they are preparing to swarm. Best not to get too close.

The Moss seems drier, water levels are down and on the “ Mini-Moss” a lot of bracken has encroached. It was a dry winter, and it’s been a dry year notwithstanding rainy days ( including the last five days). Nevertheless, by the side of the pond near the visitor centre damselflies we’re doing what damselflies do at this time of year (extra).

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