Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Not bad for £3.75

As one (NOW gone private, WHY T F bother being here?) or two people have pointed out today; it's been a wee bit damp.

In spite of being forced down-town twice (Forgot the spuds) I also managed to forget the, usually ever present, pocketful of camera.

I'd taken advantage of the wet. ("Always look on the bright side of life" Cheers Monty!) I decided to give the "indoor lot" a treat and wash the dust off.

Since I keep wittering on about waifs and strays and we've had this fellah for at least 5yrs. I thought it was due its 15 minutes of fame.

It was sitting in B&Q (Hands up all those who know it stands for Block and Quail) looking all forlorn, totally stemless, with just the leaves, all those years ago and it now boasts 3 trunks of 5cm each plus a further 5 cm of dried fronds waiting to become trunk.

I seriously doubt it'll ever be as handsome as this  though.

Back "up the way."

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