Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


I found a skin from a large snake at my friend's house a few years ago.  She didn't want it, so I brought it home.  I've blipped it in the past.  Today I bent it into 4 rows and photographed it.  I only added color.  There are no reflections in this image.  After several failed attempts, I decided to skip the theme.  Many thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursdays!

Busy day, starting at the pool and then errands at three different places.  I had to pick up a prescription for cholesterol medicine.  I'll start it tonight, but not without reservations.  I'm nervous about side effects but my doctor said it's not likely, especially on the low dose I'll be taking.  I guess I'll find out....

I'm grateful for $5.00 rotisserie chickens at Sam's Club.  They're much better than I can make.  The white meat is always juicy. :-)

Thank you to everyone for your visits and stars and hearts.  I really appreciate them! xx

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