Cold Water Therapy

We were in the sea at 7:14am, wading out at 7:34, home and dry by 8:15 , our day not impacted by our early seaside adventures.

The tide was out but not so far that it felt like walking to Fife to get into deeper water and the high tide mark was covered in coal dust.

I decided to walk through George Square to meet Sue for my lift to the beach wearing my bright pink and black bathing robe over my cozzie without my heavy DryRobe.
It was early enough for there to be few people about and those that were didn’t give me a second look even though it seemed as though I had lost the beach.
I suppose there are enough weirdos in this area that another one merits no curiosity.

I am writing this blog at a bench beside the tennis courts, being lulled by the thwack of a ball in a singles game, one of only two games ongoing . I’m wondering what has happened to all the other tennis fans. I’ve never seen the courts so empty.

The sun is shining and it is warmer outside than in today. An ice cream is merited I think.

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