
Yesterday I bought a vegan meal from the Polish shop. I fancied a change in food. It was delicious. But too many carbs for my diabetes. Would I do this again? Yes! For an occasional treat.

Also yesterday  Midnight was exploring my bungalow a lot. Then going back outside again. I always keep the kitchen door closed, and so when I open it, I find Midnight on the other side wondering what this big secret is.

I invited him in. And he explored it, found the broken cat flap from when Popeye was attacked. Midnight tried to push through, but it was taped up. I might have a go at repairing it just for Midnight to try it, but it wouldn't stand up for regular use, If he uses it, and can squeeze his portly belly through it, then I will get a new one, the same size, and that should be easy for me to install.

Anyway while Midnight was in the kitchen he watched me eat. His eyes opened wider. So I gave him a prawn. He liked it, his eyes open wider....more prawns. So he got half my prawns. And I had to look for something else for my breakfast.

I was having a nap later in the day in my bed. I open my eyes to find them staring into a pair of wide open eyes studying me. Midnight's paws were on the edge of my bed, raising him so he could see me. I have no idea what he was thinking, but it was as if he was saying why are you sleeping? Why should I not sleep as much as a cat does if I feel like it? It was a very warm still airless day. The air was thick, it was like breathing sticky fog.

Birdies - Little Miss now has two suitors who are rather intense. And Little Miss has no intention of having any babies this year. But the suitors are thinking otherwise...

At this minute the blackbirds are sounding the alarm call, but I cannot see any intruders.

Midnight and Jade have been fed. Jade was first in the queue this morning. The gingers have patrolled in. Little black cat Ammy has scootered in and out like a lightning flash. So I think that is the current lot of strays all fed for breakfast.

And I am thinking about my breakfast and a nap. It was hard sleeping last night despite having fans on and my mini personal humidifiers on.

So, creative this morning is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope pointed at my personal humidifier sending out mists of water droplets....

The small birds are a little quiet this morning...but they are feeding. I have my cochlear sound processor on, so far. Had to take it off again yesterday because of Fort Knox Fence neighbour's workmen's excessive noise. Yesterday their very long white van came in front of my driveway a little, so when I got back from the shops, that white van was there, and there must have been less than 2 inches clearance from my side mirror tips either side for me to back into my driveway. I could've gone round, but I was tired after food shopping and trying to get my meds which are missing all my eyedrops because they are apparently unobtainable, that I would have seriously exploded verbally if I had opened my mouth. I just needed to back into my driveway easily as is my right, get in and make a cuppa before I offloaded my shopping. The fresh stuff was in a cool bag. So, I just backed in. One of the workmen came out of his driveway and came round to check the back of his van. His sneering annoyed look said mind my van you decrepit old biddy, so I pressed the button to wind down my window, and gave him my best evil hex ridden witches death stare, and he shrivelled up and climbed into his van and shut the door. Then I proceeded to back in competently and went in....

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