
Another hasty phone photo, as I'm in catch-up mode, back-blipping shots for the last couple of days.
This is in the Derwent Valley, looking out over one of the dams and towards the big Derwent and Ladybower reservoirs in the distance. Richard and I drove out there with Luca, after lunch. We knew he needed a nap in order to enjoy the rest of the day, and this was a reliable way to achieve that. We sat in the car for a while, with cups of tea, while he slept. The reservoirs are very low... although we don't have problems as severe as the ones in SE England, unless there is a lot of rain soon, there will be difficulties.

Anyway, once we got back, we got ready for the big outing of the day. Weeks ago, Ruth and I had booked to take the two boys to the City Hall to see a one-hour show based on the 'Zog' childrens' books This was 'Zog and the Flying Doctors'.  The boys loved it, and so did we. It had all the ingredients of a good pantomime-style show: some jokes for the adults ('Use the data! Follow the science!' sang the characters, in one song, a nice Covid period touch).... and masses of great slapstick and audience participation for the younger children.  Luca and Eben were captivated, and on the way out, Eben asked - 'are there any more shows...?' So we'll be looking at the options for a theatre outing in the autumn.

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