A 25,500 step day!

Or 19k - apparently. My son and dil were both working so I was sent out early to play. They live quite near the river Plym, and because the coast path has to wriggle around estuaries, they’re actually just a few metres away from it. So I joined it - crossed over the Plym ,  and then walked beside the river on the other side. That’s the first extra - I saw little egret in the shallows,  and oystercatchers feeding in mud happily. The path itself is beautiful - 2nd  extra - with shady spots in some places. Then away from the river up the hill through woods and past fields - I liked the 3rd extra because of the fledgling robin on the gate and the dead tree full of crows in the field. You keep going up and up and eventually reach Saltram House, a National Trust place set in beautiful parkland with trees - 4th extra - and very brown grass. I didn’t go into the house and garden, which are both wonderful I have been told, I’ll do that next time. But I did go in the café:) The amazing thing about this walk was how friendly people were;  almost everyone smiled, most people said hallo, and lots stopped for a quick chat about their nice dog, buggy, baby, or whatever. 
In the afternoon I walked the other way to the city centre and harbour area, to meet my cousin’s daughter who plays the saxophone and flute in the band for the musical Dreamgirls. That’s the reason I’m in Plymouth, to take son and dil to the Theatre Royal tonight to see it. I went before when it was in Bristol in March. She’s contracted for 2 years for this - they’re off to Glasgow, Belfast and Dublin soon. She certainly makes the most of exploring wherever she’s working - usually there for 2 weeks. 
We walked along west by the sea, from the Barbican down to the Hoe. A beautiful sunny afternoon. There were lots of sailing boats whizzing along in the sea, practising for races this weekend.  I wanted to show her the Anthony Gormley figure staring out to see, but he was hidden amongst lots of corporate hospitality tents for race- viewing strung all along the front. Got iced coffee and enjoyed catching up very much. My blip is the wonderful lido with its Caribbean colours, and the duller real English sea beyond.  I’ve not been to it, but it looks tempting. 
When I got back to the house I discovered my amazing steps total. Thank goodness I had comfortable shoes on:)
After eating, down to the theatre. The show was fabulous, all three of us loved it, as did the whole audience it seemed. The star has a powerful and very moving voice. She plays a character who is treated unkindly but works her way back and eventually triumphs - you know the kind of thing. She got several standing ovations during the show, as well at the end. At one point when she was singing her ‘heartbroken’ song I could see the three women in front of us were sobbing, then I realised I was crying too! Magical.

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