
Yesterday, it was obvious that Midnight has lost weight. Instead of being an overinflated football, he is now a large rugby ball. Because of his football shape he was never able to reach to clean his nether regions. 

For the first time, yesterday, with a bit of contortionism (and some cramp I think), he actually managed to reach these nether regions. There was a bit of rolling over in his attempts to do so. He was sitting on the steps and rolled down them a few times. But he came back up to his favourite step (outside my open bedroom door), it has a coir mat on it, and he tried again and again and again. He had to pull out quite a bit of matted fur from that area, but he got on with it and yanked it out.

It took him all day, and by the end of the day, his nether regions were a delight to behold...they were clean.

He must feel so much more comfortable now!

Every different variety of small bird (that visits) is in my garden this morning. They are swirling, making a heck of a joyful bird chorus noise today.

Creative is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope of those joyful birds this morning (celebrating Midnight's achievement yesterday!), and I fartnarkled with saturation and all that technical (!) photo stuff...

Time for a cuppa...
And then an adventure calls...

P.S. I'll catch up with responding to your previous comments, later today!!!

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