Honey Bee

Took a while to get this photo - first of all it was windy so everything was moving around, making it hard to get something in focus. Then it stopped being windy, but started raining. So the bees disappeared. Finally, the sun came out, the breeze was light and the bees (and other pollinators) returned to the hydrangea in our front garden. Ten minutes later - and after deleting all the out of focus shots, or ones containing only half a bee (or no bee at all!) - this one seemed to have everything I was trying to capture. Not bad for an elderly iPhone - and even more elderly photographer! There’s definitely going to be some honey made later, judging by how full those pollen sacs are.
I went for an early visit to the gym this morning as I’ve got a gig tonight. We probably won’t be playing until 10, but I couldn’t get through to set up this afternoon so will need a bit of time beforehand to make sure my new pedal is firing all the right sounds to all the correct places - i.e. the PA and my in-ear monitors. If everything works, the lack of a physical backline speaker shouldn’t be a problem.
Definitely a venture into a brave new world of digital technology tonight!

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