Hubby went down to Kents Bank Staton for a works party, about a dozen volunteers and the co-ordinator were there so they got a lot done.

I had a nice quiet morning, just pootling about the house really.

Then after lunch I was just making Hubby and I a cup of tea when I noticed a brown butterfly go past the window.  I abandoned the tea, grabbed the camera in the vain hope that it would still be there somewhere.  I couldn't see it at first but then went and checked the buddliea - and there he was - woohoo - first one I've seen this year.  He is a bit bedraggled but still gorgeious of course.

I just clicked away but as I got close enough for a good close up he flew away.  I waited for a few minutes and he came back - but higher up the buddliea.  I managed to grab this shot - not the best in the world but it's also not the worse, and well at least I've managed to get a cuple of photos of a tortoiseshell  this year - woohoo.

After that hubby wanted me to take some surplus vegetables from the allotment down to his friend's house, as he was dressed for gardening.  SO off I trot.  His lovely wife answeed the door,  I delivered the veggies and then heard dogs barking and asked after them.  They are ccalled Otis and Bowie and are just staying with them whilst their daughter is on holiday. 

She invited me in, and they were soooo energetic and totally adorable, so I spent a  whole hour just cuddlling, tickling and generally spoiling them, whilst trying to drink a coffee.  Sheer joy for me. Sadly I didn't have a camera with me so couldn;t photograph them, grrrrr.  Still I enjoyed their company.  Oh don't worry Fletch you are still Top Dog woof xx.

That's it for today.  I will now go and look at  your blips.  Do take care blip friends and stay safe and I will see you tomorrow.

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