Stones and webs

This might be a stretch, for Mono Monday's 'juxtaposition' theme this week, but it caught my eye: the contrast between the sculpture's strong shapes and the delicate spider's webs.  There's a second version in the extra.

I've blipped these sculptures before, made by local artist Daniel Bustamante from debris recovered from the River Don. As they look different depending on the weather and the state of the river, it's always worth passing by for another look.

Today the river was way down, with many bits of rubbish forming a kind of tideline along the muddy bank. These were not the kind of raw material Daniel uses; not brick or stone, but plastic bags, tin cans and various other items that I didn't want to investigate too closely.

Both the pretty webs and the ugly rubbish tell a story of windless heat and dropping river levels.

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