Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto


Today I decided to tackle one of the borders, which was left untouched last year (and probably the year before that too) as my back was not good and heavy gardening was out of the question. It was full of stinging nettles, brambles, numerous weeds and a buddleia which decided to grow there of its own accord.

I thought after I had started to clear some of it that I ought to take some pictures so that I have before and after pictures. I chose this one, there will be others on Flickr tomorrow, which shows a little of the border, at the top of the picture, which has been cleared and part of the border still to be cleared, the border gets wider and goes round a corner, which cannot be seen in this picture; about twenty-five metres or so in total. I have spent about six hours out there although I did stop for a while for lunch. I cleared as much as I had planned to do and I have planted thirty-five dahlia tubers. I have put sticks in so that the deer know exactly where to look so they can eat everything, as it comes up, which I have just put in!

Victoria, my granddaughter has been to a judo competition today and has just telephoned. Apparently in her own age group and level she was in her words 'rubbish' and lost all her fights. However, when she fought against some of the national girls, all older and a higher belt level than Victoria, she did very well and came home with two bronze medals; why two medals I have yet to find out!

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