A bit of boldness

This butterfly was sunning itself and almost teasing me....each time I got close I think it sensed me and folded itself up.....paparazzi detectors at the ready....

It's been a busy and packed weekend. Bought some sweet peas they are the flower that keeps giving...plus I got some drastically reduced ones which I am sure in Florence Nightingale fashion I can revive. I also bought 3 tomato plants and lots of sunflower seeds for slightly exotically shaded petals in the garden.

It's been a very emotional day in some aspects but I have got a decent stint of study done which I am pleased with. As I get through the easier corrections I know things will slow down. I made chocolate tiffin and it turned out fab! In other news Mr H flies to Florida tomorrow....he is hardly there for anytime at all but I am jealous he will be enjoying wonderful weather and that he has a swimming pool at his disposal which he is unlikely to use.........

I managed to edit some pictures from my visit to Highgate Cemetery today and I am pleased with how they turned out. I also told my friend that his favourite ship in the world has been sold for scrap in 2004....not news I thought I'd be sharing on a Sunday!

That was a very list like commentary....maybe that is how my brain is working at the mo..... must be the effects of study!

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