The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Dry grass, green tree

This is the bench on the edge of the car park at work. Sometimes I have my lunch there. The car park is rarely busy at that time. I only took this picture because I'd arranged to meet a colleague 'in the car park by the tree' and she thought I might have meant the tree in Tesco's car park. I sent her a snap to clarify the matter. Later, I thought that the parched grass might be interesting to look back on, in the depths of winter.

At work, the office was an oven. We have the door open when we can. After my appraisal in another office, I rose to leave my chair, only to find that I was stuck to it. Apart from this sticky moment, the appraisal went well, I'm glad to say. Such a refreshing change from my last job!

In the morning, I accompanied a client on the bus to Aldi. All went well, he got his shopping done, but when we left I couldn't find the bus stop on the right, so we turned left instead. Big mistake. Very hot weather, uphill struggle, client not the fittest.... I felt dreadful for him, so I gave the green smoothie I'd bought myself, so he didn't dehydrate. He said it was 'a bloody lovely drink'. We missed a bus, and got talking instead. The 'thinker's bus shelter' was plastered with philosophical quotes. I've included one in extras. I think that next time I go out with a client on a 'field trip', my travel research needs to be much more thorough.

After a hot afternoon, I got a lift home, and sorted out the living room because I'm doing a massage tomorrow, and the room had turned into a storage dump. CleanSteve had already vacuumed. Then my friend rang to cancel tomorrow's coffee/meet-up. I should really make the effort to try and meet up with another friend, but I lack the energy. Another good friend is on hospital with a suspected lymphoma. Her daughter has flown over from South Africa to support her. I fear the prognosis.

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