Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

The emergence of the Owl

My turn to do the watering at the Butterfly House so I had a few minutes to myself in there before it got too hot. 
This owl butterfly had started to emerge so I thought I’d take a few pictures to show the progress, but I ran out of time, so the last picture is one of another owl butterfly that had emerged the previous day. 

We are now visiting the house every 4 hours during the day to damp down the floors and keep the humidity up. We currently have over 100 new pupae waiting to emerge so it’s important that they don’t all dry out, which is a challenge in this weather. The temperature in there is way too high for them really, but we are doing all we can for them. We’ll be glad when this ridiculously hot spell is over.  Started to watch the European Games on the red button and saw Alice Kinsella win a silver medal on the all-around gymnastics. Well done Alice! 

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