The Morning of a Very Hot Day

It's definitely too hot to support life, it's getting to be a bit like Venus now. When I looked out first thing the river was flat calm so I grabbed the camera and took a couple of shots for a panorama.

I went out after breakfast to do some grocery shopping and sat in a queue for about half an hour to get the two miles to our nearest supermarket. I don't know if there's a some sort of hold up on Teignmouth outskirts or if it's just traffic going in for the beach. On my way back home i stopped for a blip but I prefer this morning's shot from home.

I've been packing up lots of the smaller stuff that collects and getting quotes from MPB. The bigger stuff like lenses is quite easy but when it's adapter rings and individual filters it takes a lot of listing. It's the sort of stuff that's built up over the years for all the different lenses I've had. It's all ready to be picked up by DPD on Monday. Marvellous!

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