Coffee and the weekend

Thank you all who managed to read the rather wordy rant on my previous blip. It was great reading your responses and ideas. Communication like this is always rewarding.

I have enjoyed this weekend. The summer of course keeps us confined - prisoners during the day. But when the sun does go down, it is an invitation to go out. S and I went to a new Ice Cream Parlour called 'The Cold Store' last evening and had the most delicious ice-creams. It was breezy, cars swooped by. The trees made no attempt to disguise their relief from the heat by swaying along. It was nice and relaxing indeed. Even the long-ish drive through undulating tree-lined roads was enjoyable.

I am not a great fan of soaps on TV, but I find myself completely hooked on to 'Boston Legal.' Love the wit and humour. Interestingly, the character portrayal is strong too. Which forms a sustainable backbone.

This shot was taken at breakfast today, S having her share of coffee. I never tire of bread, butter (cheese sometimes) and a cup a warm coffee for breakfast. Surely, one of the good things in life.

I'll be flying to Bangalore tonight for almost three weeks for some office work. It should be an intersting time. A chance to explore a different city is always enjoyable, especially given the fact that each Indian city is so distinct.

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