
We got back from the amazing Grace Jones. On the train home I really started to feel quite bad. I am not sure what the moment was when I came to the realisation that it was COVID but I did. PY seemed a bit surprised when I took the test at midnight but I was not when it immediately came back positive. 

I had a quite a difficult night. At one point I seemed fine. Later I ached a lot and by about 4am I was sweating profusely.  Thinking about it I suspect there were a few clues: especially yesterday when I felt dehydrated and tired. 

The day was quite hard. I had cold-like symptoms but with a headache. I couldn’t shake the headache even with paracetamol and so it was quite hard to get through the meetings. By the end of the day, I found the one of the calls quite a blur. I went to bed for a couple of hours before getting up for dinner. I still had cold-like symptoms when I went to bed. 

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