
After Tesco Man had made his weekly delivery we took off for Kidderminster to look at flooring.  The place is on an industrial estate manned by a very helpful young man, doing this as a part time job whilst he studies for his doctorate They had just what we were looking for at a price that was not too eye-watering, so he made a sale today and they are coming to lay it mid-September.

We stopped off at Churchfields Farm on the way home where we were served with a very poor excuse for coffee.  Normally I'm not as picky about my coffee as Ann, but for once even I was unable to finish what looked, and tasted, like dishwater.  Maybe the barista was having a bad day!

So we went home then walked into town to find a decent coffee, which we did at All-Bar-One.   They have this nice routine of serving a shot filled with Smarties with each cup of coffee.  So here's my entry for today's Mono Monday hosted by Mole, four Smarties on a silver table top - minimalist.

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