
By antipodean


A very intense photo of Phoebe enjoying her fishbowl margarita this evening!

Today got very busy - I slept a bit late which made me feel a bit like I was in a rush all day. I went to the gym this morning and did some job hunting this afternoon - it was sort of successful but I'm still not employed yet!

Phoebe and I had dinner tonight and decided to declare it our 'freniversary' because we became really close friends thanks to a sleepover sometime in April about six years ago (gosh, so long ago!). We had so much fun tonight that we decided to celebrate our freniversary every week, which may defeat the point but whatever! It's always nice to have a good dinner and a chat. We went to Taco Bills because we were craving a fishbowl margarita, and it did not disappoint! Such a great evening.

Many photos were taken this evening, most of which were hilarious and awesome but not really blip-worthy. I like this one though, it shows off Phoebe's lovely eyes!

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