Flying heron and falling elephants

I hadn't noticed the heron and by the time I turned, just as Gill pointed it out, it was taking off. I'm rarely ready for such moments.

A hotch potch of a day. Woodpeckers' doggy blip here inspired a doggy blog. Then John and Rob announced this afternoon that they'd published their Falling Elephants game. They've had this game for a while and never published it.

Unlike their latest multiplayer game, The Ninth Realm, Falling Elephants is exactly the type of game that might appeal to some blippers - it's easy to learn, harmless, has some skill to it and, if you turn off the music, it's quite tolerable. I've never been able to beat the kind of score that Gill can achieve, though. She's much better at it than me. For me 25,000 points is a good score but Gill's top score is 51,000.

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