Blas y grawnwin

Blas y grawnwin ~ The taste of the grapes

You should regard your home life as a golden opportunity to experience nowness, by taking an interest in all the details of your life. Interest is simply applying awareness to what goes on in your everyday life — awareness while you’re cooking, while you’re driving, while you’re changing diapers, even awareness while you’re arguing. Such awareness can help to free you from speed, chaos, neurosis and resentment. It can free you from the obstacles to nowness, so that you can cheer up on the spot, all the time.”
—Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

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Heddiw, gwnaethon ni baratoi saith cilogram o rawnwin ac yn gwneud fwy na pum litr o sudd. Roedd proses hir. Roedd rhaid i ni dynnu'r grawnwin oddi ar eu coesynnau, cyn rhoi nhw yn y suddwr stêm, ac yn casglu'r sudd mewn poteli. Bydd y sudd yn angen siwgr cyn i ni ei yfed oherwydd nid yw'r grawnwin yn felys.  Roeddwn ni wedi benthyg y suddwr stêm oddi wrth ffrind ond nawr rydyn ni'n meddwl o brynu un ein hunain. Rydyn ni'n meddwl y bydd e’n ffordd dda i ddelio gyda'r cwins.

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Today, we prepared seven kilograms of grapes and made more than five liters of juice. It was a long process. We had to remove the grapes from their stems, before putting them in the steam juicer, and collecting the juice in bottles. The juice will need sugar before we drink it because the grapes are not sweet. We had borrowed the steam juicer from a friend but now we are thinking of buying one ourselves. We think it will be a good way to deal with the quince.

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