Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Grasping at summer

When I woke this morning I couldn't see The Other Side. Rain was coursing down the windows, and the bedroom felt decidedly chilly. I allowed myself to slide into the gloom that often accompanies waking moments, and only got up because my feet felt cold. Another summer gone, I told myself, and I'll be even older when it comes again ...

But then the day took over. I had my painting class - finished the subject, started planning the background. I came home and put a loaf together and poached some plums. Then - big mistake, as it made everything late - we went for a short walk to unbend my stiff back (remember, I'd been sitting painting for two hours.) But the day felt much warmer - positively balmy, in fact - and the sun came out as we got home again. 

As this was the first day back for choir, we were eating early. And that is why I decided that pasta was perfectly easy for eating outside, in the sunshine. With a glass of wine. It was indeed lovely, as were the golden, gleaming plums afterwards ( with a little honey, and some cardamom pods). Then a hefty cloud came over and we went in. But I felt cheered by having done this.

Choir was missing two people, but the six of us were delighted to be back and sang so much better than we used to after a holiday - clearly something is sticking! And now, for those who have followed me for a while, I'm off to eat some supper ...

What shall I eat? 

Answers in the comments!

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