Down By the Bay....

A day of reckoning...rethinking plans..and realizing I need to get my health in order and start thinking of ways to do that. A walk this evening down at the lake helped ..provided me with a blip.. and a peaceful end to the day, watching the sun go down over the harbour..

It has been a stressful and exhausting couple of days that began on Sunday, with an alarming blood pressure crisis....and a day spent in Emergency for tests and meds. Unfortunately, the meds that brought my readings down enough to go home that night, did not do the trick for long and yesterday I had to return to Emergency and do it all over again..So far today, my BP is still too high but no longer in the danger zone..and I am hoping that the meds and the followup with a specialist in the hospital will soon get things under control and I can stop worrying!  

It does mean however that I will have a time of instability while meds can be adjusted etc and being on an island by myself with no boat is not the best place to be until everything I have had to cancel my cottage plans for the moment... which is a real disappointment...but first thing first... 

In the meantime I intend to start working on diet and exercise. I have been negligent in that for quite some time and it seems that I am now paying the price...and I need to be healthy as I have a trip planned starting in April! So let the salt-free, caffeine free, and more-steps-in-a-day lifestyle begin! The beginning will be easy..the following through will not... Following through has never been my forté....but I do hope I can manage it this time...

My thought for the Day: What is a friend? One who will pick you up at the hospital at 2:00 AM,  two nights in a row! Thanks ET...

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