The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

"The vicarage has had to be sold"

"...but the vicar still has a riverside property, and drives a Mini Cooper with the registration REV1. He also commutes upriver to attend services by speedboat".

We were in Horning, on the Norfolk Broads, on board a paddle boat. The pace was wonderfully slow, and we passed palace after palace on the waterside, where even the boathouses have drinks decks. The craft on the water weren't bad, either. I never realised there was so.much water, nor wealth, in Norfolk. I did love that boat trip, so calm and gentle.

We'd also been to Great Yarmouth in the morning. Lovely lunch in the Cafe Ocean, but I could tire of Gt Yarmouth quite easily. It's a bucket-and-spade, pier-and-pink-gin place. The sand is lovely, but the actual beach bit down by the sea is shingle, and sloping, like Chesil beach in Dorset. Strange. We enjoyed the restored Venetian Waterways gardens at the non-pier end of town. 

After we'd got off our afternoon boat, I was met by N and M. N is the cousin of my brother in law N, whose family comes from these parts. We had an ice cream in Horning, then they took me for dinner to a pub in Woroxham by the river, where the swans sail by in a continuous flotilla. We watched the sun set, then they drove me 'home' via their riverside village.

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