Migrating wonders

The Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
In case anyone thinks I'm particularly knowledgable about butterflies and other things natural - I'm not!  I am quite good at searching Internet so there's often a link to Wikipedia or similar. Here's the red admiral on Wikipedia. Having "learned" about my subject I usually forget it again until I need the knowledge again, and again search Internet!
Our day was split into sections today. First an easy morning, picking five sorts of berries to eat with the breakfast kefir, whilst sitting out on the deck. There was a quick break from breakfast to photograph the red admiral butterfly.
The next activity was leafleting the local villages with election material for the Left Party, then a Left Party meeting in town, then setting up posters in Älandsbro (see extra). Jan has written about those latter activities so I'll link to her blip, and I'll get back to the butterfly.
This little beauty has probably lived its whole life in Sweden, but back in the spring its parents, or possibly grandparents, set off from southern Europe, heading north, living and dying along the way.  This one will soon be heading off southwards as summer ends. A few hibernate in southern Sweden but very few survive.  
It looks so small and fragile for such journeying but when it flew off it did fly very strongly and with some speed - more zooming than fluttering!

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