
By Cigs

The cost of living crisis has not hindered the efforts of Cigscorp to leave no stone unturned. 

However, Brexit may provide an obstacle or two not previously encountered in the pursuit of Cigs tags. 

After extensive investigations, the deployment of face recognition technology (applied to tags) and some good old fashioned hard graft, the latest discovery was a bit of a revelation.

Previously the furthest south recorded find was in Midlothian, but that has been blown out the water by some considerable distance by today's revelation of the existence of a Tenerife find!

Please note - this is not a crude attempt to scam a fact finding holiday in the sun. Please also not that Iainat Creel's revelation that he will NOT be stopping off in EH in September is in no way linked to this breaking news.

But dear reader, this is one find I will not be tracking down on the bike. Pensioner's yacht may yet get pressed into service in order to minimise the carbon footprint of Cigs.

Once travel plans have been arranged, I hope to unveil a shiny new Cigs for your delectation. 

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