Sunny Again

So far, August has brought us less than 5 mm of rain, instead of the average 70 mm.

All this hot and muggy day, we hoped for the promised thunderstorms to arrive and up the total, at least a little.

In the afternoon, clouds gathered and thunder rumbled. The wind picked up, and it started to...

...drift away. The sun is out again, and there was no rain. On the weather websites, I can see thunderstorm warnings and huge rainclouds to the south and east of us, but they are moving away and not closer.

Tomorrow's forecast was "rain all day" until this morning, but it has now changed to "cloudy but dry". And then it's going to be all sunny again, with no chance for rain, all of next week at least. 

And so the drought (which started in May after an already too dry Spring) continues into September. 

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