
The atrium in our building.  It has a coffee bar (top left).  The formal restaurant is not visible from this angle.  The Tourism building connected to ours has its own atrium with open café-style restaurant.  I don't think I  need to bring lunch, hm?  I will bring my own tea, though... :D))

Dropped by work today to get my laptop sorted out, and now I have my personal card as well.  However, I am still unable to access my schedule, so that is one of the important points for next week.  In the meantime, just as I thought, I don't have to report for work at the other school on Monday, but I do have to show up on Friday.  No problem, except that...

... the next hearing will be very early on Friday morning.  This means I'll have to snatch extra sleep during the day on Thursday.  On Friday morning, most likely, when the hearing finishes at 05.30 or thereabouts, I'll just have to take a quick breakfast and then hop into the car and head towards Leerdam, 55 km. away, passing by two potential traffic hot spots and one extremely busy motorway, the A27.  If I am too early, better too early than too late, and I'll just snooze in the car and set my alarm.  No teaching yet, but I'll be joining the group of assistants for the orientation session, which should take only three hours.  All of that presuming my Good Conduct certificate arrives on time.

Didn't stay beyond a couple of hours at work.  Supermarket errands, kitchen duties, MOOCking, gaming, tidying up, and AW left in the evening for live bridge at Sweed's and Benna's.

And in between all that, a WhatsApp call from the Viking to discuss our next steps and options.  He is being cautiously optimistic.  As you know, I had filed a case against Jay, and at the same time the Viking suggested securing the properties with Adverse Claims.  This double maneuvre is now paying off.  Jay discovered the Adverse Claims and filed his case against me to have them cancelled.  This hearing was in connection with Jay's case, but if he thought he could just simply order his solicitors and the judge to 'Make it so', he is now painfully realizing that he is being put in his place.  The Viking said that, the way he sees it now, we have practically won in Jay's case, and we should now refocus on our own, but winning this one will lead to winning the other.  Actually, we already won the other two years ago, but some money under the table got in the way, so our progress now should smooth the way again.  If not, we will, in any case, now have grounds to sue Jay in a criminal case for fraud, perjury, misrepresentation, and theft.  There is now enough evidence for all of these.  If Jay's solicitors are smart, they will advise him to settle.  The way I know him, he will ignore them.  A criminal case might speed up things because criminal cases have right of way in the current system.  The down side is that criminal cases are more susceptible to bribes.  This judge does not act as though she is vulnerable for such things, though.  We are keeping a sharp eye on the proceedings.

I will do my best to enjoy the weekend.  Have a good one!

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