
By Transitoire


So after leaving Simon's this morning I decided to go for a wander around town, hence this photograph. This is the shutter of a bar called, funnily, Au Vélocipède (The Penny Farthing) and is an Irish themed bar/pub in Place Saint Sauveur. I have been meaning to take a photograph of this for a while, ever since I saw a photograph that Dana had taken! However the problem has always been that the shutters are only ever down on a Sunday, and I'm usually tempted by taking a picture of Baptiste rather than anything else on Sundays.

So, I decided today would be my first (and final) comprehensive visit to the market, and somehow ended up buying two kilograms of strawberries on a whim. I say on a whim, it could have been because they were only three euros, and it could have been because people kept shouting their prices at me. I think I am more easily persuadable than I thought I was! Anyhows, strange experience number one lead to strange experience number two...a conversation with an old man at the tram stop, where about five minutes into the conversation he asked me where my accent came from. When I said England he seemed very surprised and surprised me by saying that he could hear I had an accent but couldn't distinguish where it came from. This is definitely an improvement, as usually people can notice where I come from within the first two minutes of talking to me! For his pains I gave him some strawberries...not randomly I should add, he kept eyeing up my box! But then I was left with the dilemma that he may have only been complimenting me to get some strawberries...

Old Frenchmen, will compliment for food.

The rest of my day was spent writing my final essay for Warwick University...and it was painful to do, and only aided by the bribe of strawberries and Angel Delight in the fridge to spur me on! My title:-

« Le malheur français, c'est quelque chose qu'on emporte avec soi » Qu'est-ce que ce malheur français, et pourquoi est-il si répandu dans la vie quotidienne ?

All I can say is thank god that it is finished now...

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