Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Starting to Gather

It's that time of year again, when the local red deer herd start to congregate for the rut.  No sign of the mature males as yet but the hinds and younger deer are definitely in abundance in the usual area.  It looks like last year's rut was quite productive with at least four calves on view this morning, including this one.

I also had the good fortune to see a muntjac deer cross in front of me as I drove home.  Regrettably it was too quick to capture any photographic evidence.  I've only ever previously seen one in this area once before.

After an early walk, it was sorting out photos for some excess kit I am hoping to sell.  I was also around to watch over Fleur, who has perked up today and been eating more than the last few days.  Whether that is down to the treatment from the vet, we will have to wait and see, but she has certainly eaten plenty and has been mousing in the garden this afternoon.

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