I'd hoped I'd be driving to Lutterworth to see Mary this afternoon, but she's very tired and asked that it be rearranged. I was disappointed - of course I was - but it is what it is, she must look after herself first.

According to Nichiren Buddhism you are the most important person in your life, and if you don't value/look after yourself before anyone else, then you'll be no use to and/or will be unable to help others. I totally agree with this teaching, so respect Mary's decision.

Therefore I went on a walk with my Ramblers group starting from Winster in the Peak District. It's a walk I've done before, but it's a lovely one and the weather was perfect, warm but not too hot.

When I got home, I spent some time replying to Facebook messages from a potential new member of the mountaineering club, he sounds keen! Then it transpired that another new member has paid his dues and so I added him to the WhatsApp group... he's coming climbing with us on Monday, and hurrah he leads HS/VS, we must make him very welcome!

10.37 miles
1,393 ft elevation gain 

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