The Beekeepers

The best beer garden in town. I'll have to take their word for it, and nobody seems to have come forward to dispute their claim.

There are quite a few pubs and restaurants in Witney and I thought it would be easy to come up with something interesting for Wide Wednesday. Not so. Most had cars, or vans parked outside. One had a double decker bus blocking the view. I had to take this at an angle as it was the only way I could get the sign and the hive in.

I've added an extra of the Company Of Weavers with smokers (I assume) and mobility scooter parked for a quick getaway at closing time. I had to crop out a van on the right or you could have seen the whole of the frontage of Ali Barber, the barber.

While I was wandering around looking for the blip mrsfb bumped into one of our friends we hadn't seen in a while. She mentioned she and her husband had just had Covid. That makes three local people we have met this week who have just had it after dodging it like us for the the last couple of years.

One year ago:
Beetle With Passengers

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