Jassy and Bo

This is Ken's dog Bo and my Jassy sitting together. This is Bo just over a year ago. They are both KelpieX's I not so secretly think Jassy is pretty much a fullblood Kelpie though.

I have been very keen for Ken to bring his dogs over so that Jassy can learn some more social skill with her own kind as well as with people. The dogs got on fine and I feel that Jassy knew her place in the pack order. She even came up to me a few times and sat next to me, which I guess was to let the other dogs know who the real alpha in the house is (Jo wasn't around!).

This morning turned out to be a bit hectic for no particular reason. Jo asked me to call the real estate agent because Dad's house sale settles on Wednesday. The new owners did a pre-settlement inspection and they weren't happy about the pile of lawn clippings in the backyard. So I will have to hitch the trailer up and sort that out tomorrow. I might even fix the broken tap while I am there. They didn't notice that but they will when they go to connect up their washing machine.

Then just as I was about to get ready for work I got stuck with a tele marketer who just for a change I was interested in. In the end I had 10 minutes to shower, dress and pack my dinner for work. Then I couldn't find my shoes, then I couldn't find my house keys. Well I found my shoes but the house keys have gone walkabout.

Now I am at work and there is really nothing going on. It is a bit worrying actually.

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