When Your Turtles are Blurry...

... and backlit in the mid-day sun, rescue their portrait with an app! 

I went to a local conservation area today for my walk...a very different environs than the beach, marsh, wharf or the harbour - with very different photo-ops.... a creek, a pond and trails through the woods. No Canada geese, ducks or swans, but turtles...five of them...ever so cute, lounging on logs out in the pond, posing perfectly for the camera ..but alas, very difficult for me to photograph..

I was so disappointed that none of my efforts turned out.. but I was determined to post them somehow..hence..the app....and my main... 
Although the creek was lovely, and my photos of it actually turned out, the trying-to-be photogenic turtles were the highlight of my day...and so I wanted them to be in the limelight!  

What was really neat about today was that I actually know how many steps I took on my morning walk! I didn't realize that all along, unbeknownst to me, my iPhone has been recording my steps.... every day...Thanks to PhotoGrandma, I am now aware! How could I have not known that? And here I was, thinking I should buy one of those pedometers that the rest of the world is using!  Anyway, I now know...and sure enough..all those steps in the woods, around the pond and down by the creek, were recorded...for posterity.

Everyday on Blip, I learn how much I do not know! 

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