The Chunky Monkeys throw gravel at each other.... you do!

Day 4 of Grannie Duties except Daughter Number 2 took charge mostly as she will be babysittng both boys on a Friday. She did the nappy changes, shoes on and off, walks in the garden and lunch time. I just followed about tidying up after them and watching.

The Chunky Monkeys favourite game is in the gravel pit. Luckily no local cats to use it as their loo!!! The like the noise of the gravel as it lands so chuck it about!

I bought a new Jogger 3 wheeler pram to help with dog walks. Jasper tried it out and it seemed to be ok. Nice and smooth over the bumps. 

Once DN2 left and Matty woke up, he was in such a bad mood. Very unlike him. He didn't want to sit in the high chair, or the bath. He just kept wanting me. His daddy works here on a Friday and had finished by 4.30 but he felt quite rejected by Matty poor bloke. But its very confusing for poor Matty to have a great time here with his favourite people (he adores his Aunty) mixed with missing his mummy and being exhausted from all the activity! But we got through it and he appeared happy again for the last half an hour before he left.

Mr W then arrived home from Lady Lindas with the shopping and the washing and asked me to sort it all out as he was really tired...........

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