Heading Out

A new weather system is heading our way, and today is grey and overcast with a heavy humid feel. 

You can make out the two bridges over the Severn and Wye in the misty background, as we walked the path along the river bank. The mist didn't stop these folk taking their yacht out for some fun on the River Severn during the morning's high tide. 

You don't want to go out on the Severn at any other time. At low tide it's just a muddy puddle with sinking sand and seaweed and between tides the water races back and forth, on this river with the second highest tidal range in the world. If you get the times wrong you can't get back to the berth where you started from!

It's Charlie's last proper day with us, and she's off to a festival in Bristol then a few days with Rory's folks before heading back to Lisbon and the second year of her neuroscience phd. It's been fabulous having her home and I'm already missing her. Still, as they say on today's date... papa was a rolling stone.

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