
Scientific name is Taraxacum Offiinale. It comes from the Greek Taraxos (Disorder) Akos (Remedy) Officinale means from pharmacy. It has been used as a diuretic aid and to treat conditions such as liver and gallbladder disorders, gout, appendicitis, boils, fever, poor appetite etc., and the milky sap from the stem has been used to treat warts.

"Dandelion" originates from Medieval Latin Dens Lionis via the French Dent-de Lion to late middle English - Dandelion. The jagged edged leaves were said to resemble the teeth of lions!

Other names include Pissenlit/Piss-a-Bed (From the diuretic properties of the leaves no doubt!); Tell-Time, due to the idea that the number of puffs needed to blow away all the seeds (achenes) would indicate the hour. We can all probably remember doing this as children. Doing this does apparently make a reliable barometer, as the seeds fly much easier if it is going to be dry weather, but lock in if it will be cloudy; Cankerwort - a plant that spreads like cancer; Witches Gowan (marigold); Irish daisy.

The humble dandelion has inspired poets such as John Clare and Shakespeare. It is also edible - the leaves can be added to salads, especially in Spring, and turned into tea. The roots can be ground to make a coffee-type drink. Of course they are excellent for pollinators!

This particular specimen is the only thing still growing in the back yard tubs.

Even more interesting info about dandelions can be found here.

I really enjoyed finding out the information about the dandelions. It cannot be called proper research - someone else did that - found the info and put it onto the internet for me to Google!

Work last night was rather busy. The new guy whose name I still cannot seem to grasp is very good at frying after just a short time. He's not quiet - he could talk the back legs off a donkey and sometimes I can see Hekmat's eyes glazing over. But his English is not good - I can help with that if he gives me chance! The atmosphere at work now is wonderfully calm now though - all the drama left with Watan!

I have to start at 4PM tonight. I think Hekmat is giving New Guy (Must get his name tonight and write it down!) a chance to open up the shop on his own in preparation for letting him fly solo!

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