
"Wabi-Sabi...is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of appreciating beauty that is 'imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete' in nature. It is prevalent throughout all forms of Japanese art."  __Wikipedia

Fascinated by this concept for many decades, I'm always on the lookout for Wabi-Sabi examples in Nature. My life is full of 'Wabi'! Each of our three dogs was born with something 'out of the ordinary' which makes them 'special'. Whenever I'm looking to purchase something, I find myself looking for the one that has a bruise, a chip or some other imperfection that makes it unique. I especially appreciate 'hand-made' items that are, in some way, not perfect. And although it's difficult to admit, because I'm a recovering perfectionist, the parts of me that aren't shiny and new are the ones I respect and treasure the most. 
Wishing All of You a Peaceful Week! :)

'There is no perfection, only beautiful versions of brokenness.'
__Shannon L. Alder

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